the da vinci paranoia

Many liked it. Many did not. Many were impressed. Many were disappointed. Many waited in line for hours to buy a ticket. Many protested against its showing. And if anyone would lose his/her faith after watching this film, he/she would simply be nothing but an idiot.
The Da Vinci Code tells the exploit of Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) and Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou) as they solve a murder in the Louvre, an incident which leads them to unravel “the greatest cover-up in the history of mankind”.
However, Da Vinci is more than the anti-Christ the religious have condemned it to be. It sparks hope for the “redemption of all the oppressed” as it talks about the “truth” about the Holy Grail; a logical explanation of how in hundreds of years religion, particularly Catholicism, displaces women. The discussion was direct to the point and daring. However, director Ron Howard fails to redeem the oppressed in the fashion they deserve to be redeemed. Da Vinci leaves no concrete conclusion on the interesting plot it created, making it a movie mainly bashing the Opus Dei.
The thrilling musical score accents well the fine cinematography. The opening scene was among the few best moments of the film. Montage of eyes in the paintings and a curator being chased to his death creates a height of suspense that welcomes the audience into the breaking of the code.
Generally, Da Vinci is an OK film. No drastic change occurs among its viewers. All the hype, most of which are protests, ironically worked for the benefit of the film. As it continues to rake in lots and lots of money, the viewers would care to argue more about its being unfaithful to the book rather than it shattering their faith. All these bashing and banning of the film are really absurd and unnecessary.
I suggest we all watch Da Vinci and laugh hard when the credits roll. Not because it is a bad film. But because some people are so paranoid over a film that wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
tama ka. its an OK film. hehe.
i love silas!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:50:00 PM
true, true, banning it here was just plain stupid. couldn't help but rant nung kelan lang... XP
Friday, June 30, 2006 12:59:00 PM
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