just don't let the sun go down on me

Saturday, November 05, 2005

oh last five minutes na lang yan

today i am half through harry potter and the goblet of fire. have just decided to read it before i watch the film adaptation and before i read the 6th book my mom brought me.

it's relatively peaceful today in our house. miraculously peaceful. thank heavens.

i am upset at myself. why do i forget my motivations? i should be doing something yet maƱana habit persists. oh damn!!! i so hate it. i so hate myself for this.

oh and i don't wanna start on blabbing my angsts again.

i look forward for monday. i look forward to living on my own again. for just 5 days a week, that is.

just my thought: if family does not last, you are left to your friends. but if friendship does not last either, you then are left to yourself. but then again, your life ends. where to are you then?


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